Logan has had a very exciting week. Aside from the normal "mudslide in the diaper" bit and "fussing because it's 3 in the morning" routine, Mt. Logan got to spend his first weekend and gramma and grampa's house in Boulder (of course he didn't realize it was more for mom and pop's benefit than anything else). Needless to say, those days were action packed. Let's see Logan in action:

Whoops. I guess this is more exciting for us. If he sleeps, we sleep. God bless his sweet little heart.

Here we are at Gramma Barb's house. Prince Logan is in his favorite position: balled up in someone's arms. Can you blame him? I have found lately that he sleeps remarkably well if he's held. Essentially, he's addicted to being held. Unbelievable. He's only 4 weeks old and already he's developing character flaws. Somebody should talk to the boy. This isn't good for anyone desiring sleep, but it gives us another option in trying to get him to sleep. The first option (going for a ride in the car at 2 AM) gets old. Holding him isn't so bad either. He is cute and he makes relatively endearing little noises.
Camille did that quite a bit when she was Logan's age. I call it squacking.
In any case, at Gramma Barb's house, the Logan love-fest continued ad-nauseum. Here we have Auntie Andrea perpetuating his "holding" addiction.

Does he seriously think he can get away with this?

Apparently so. I give up. I suppose I'll just hold him a bit myself.

In the previous post, we saw Logan in the throws of an overwhelming "milk buzz". So, not only is he addicted to being held, he's developed quite a drinking problem, as you can see above. Note the empty bottle on the table and how full he looks. I can empathize with Logan. Diane and I visit her family down in Guadalajara, Mexico, once a year if we can. In Guadalajara, we spend 97% of the time eating or talking. In my case, because I don't speak spanish, I am forced to eat. The routine there is to get up, eat pre-breakfast breakfast, wait an hour, eat breakfast, wait an hour, eat 4 leftover tamales and 2 mugs of atole from the night before, wait an hour, eat the first 5 course meal of the day, wait an hour and a half, eat some homemade corn tortillas and queso, wait an hour, eat the second 5 course meal of the day, and then to top of the night, we wait another hour and go out to one of the local taco stands and eat a half dozen tacos. Essentially, this his how Logan eats, and he can handle this type of routine. We affectionately call this routine "Bottlelajara" (His pops can't handle it. Generally, pops spend quite a bit of time sweating, trying to breath, lying flat on the cool tile floor and whimpering in his room, while trying to stave off the impending stroke).
Of course, all this eating leads to lots of this:

And more of this:

While in Boulder, Diane and I thought we'd treat Logan to his first real life experience. What better place in the world could we choose than the Pearl Street mall in Boulder??? We went there on friday afternoon, and boy...Logan was treated to something really special:

Logan was treated to his first Dijery-doo concert. The Dijery-doo players did not disappoint, as Logan fell asleep in no time (Imagine the sound of a little single engine Cesna airplane slowly droning through the air, then you've nailed what a Dijery-doo sounds like. Add in a slight pulsating beat, and you've got music-magic). Well, Diane and I certainly want Logan to play and master a few instruments, but we're not sold on him taking up the Dijery-doo. In all honesty, I don't see much of a financial future in it and it seems most people who play this instrument on the Pearl Street mall, in the middle of the afternoon while they could otherwise be working are dorks. Oh well.

I mentioned Rufus in the last post. For those of you who don't know, Rufus is our dog. Rufus doesn't know what to think of Logan, but I think we have a pretty good idea. The other day, Rufus decided to bolt and head for University Blvd and end it all. He generally feels ignored at this point. I think he and Logan will become good friends, but it will take some time.
Speaking of dogs, take a look at this pic below and note exactly what it is:

Just a piece of advise...if you take a shower at someone else's home, make sure the shampoo is for humans. Do not pick it up without looking and use it. You'll smell like clean dog all day.
Lastly, I have some shameless advertising to do. For all interested, please visit my website and buy your ink cartridges there!
www.inkonomy.comIf you need to buy playground equipment for your kid, visit my bro's website:
Also, Logan has a really cute cousin named Camille.

You may visit her
Ok, that's it for now.
Wow! He's SO cute and he's already getting big! Tell everyone I said hello and Diane that she looks fantastic!
What a handsome boy he's getting to be! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into the blog. Grandma Cecilia was here and she really enjoyed looking at Logan's pictures. Hope you and Diane are doing well. Give Logan a big kiss from all of us!
Hi Logan! This is from your cousins Cecilia and Sarah.
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