Monday, August 20, 2007

Catching up on July!

Hey all. Its been a while since Logan last checked in. He's getting pretty lazy as he gets older. He's acting like a teenager. You should see him fuss when he doesn't get his way. Actually, its not so bad. He is getting cuter, so his little outbursts are forgivable.

So anyway, as you might recall in June, Logan spend a week in Aspen, where he got to wear furry boots and look down his nose at all the commoners. What could be better than spending a week in Aspen??? Spending another week in Aspen. That's exactly what Logan did. Lest anyone think Mr Logan is well-to-do, think again. Great Grandpa let Logan go up to his condo and hang out for free, on the condition that he wear clean diapers.

Aspen was really nice. In this shot, Logan is having an animated discussion with his Auntie Andrea about Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead" and the inherent dangers of altruism and mediocrity. Turns out Logan is an articulate little fellow, but he has a habit of speaking loudly to get his point across. He's not the best listener. I think Auntie Andrea did most of the listening. However, they both agreed that Elsworth Tuey (a character in "The Fountainhead") was pretty insideous and wished he had gotten his "just deserts" for what he did and represented. Enthralling, I'm sure. Uncle Aaron and Uncle Jesse watched TV during this conversation.

In Aspen, Camille (hereafter referred to as "Loo") had begun walking and perfecting her stride. Being the sharp little girl that she is, she spent much of the time directing her pops to fulfill all her whims and wishes. Of course, pops is an obedient slave and does his best. Loo also took some time to meet her little cousin. It seems they got on quite well! I expect in a few years, however, Loo and Logan will be pulling each others' hair and playing "protagonist-antagonist", much to the dread of their parents.

We all want good influences in our lives, right? Jesse and I were strongly influenced by Brett, our best friend. The three of us have been consistently finding new levels of immaturity over the years, and now that Logan is around, he's going to need some guidance. Who better than Brett????
I can't say what Brett was telling my son, but I expect we'll be seeing the results soon. Whatever the case, all i can say is if Logan is able to pee on my toilet seat (at Brett's encouragement), he'll be able to do the same to yours. Doubtless, my influence will be just as strong.

You know what's funny? Logan just made a stinky! Actually, that's not too funny. Just mildly humorous. What's really funny is when Uncle Jesse stubs his toe on a cabinet and crumples to the floor in utter agony. Even that isn't totally hilarious. What Logan thinks is fantastically funny is "peek-a-boo". MAN. Now THAT is funny. Whoever invented that game was the funniest person in the world. I mean, seriously. What could be funnier than hiding your face, and then...uncovering it really fast???? Its so funny it makes formula come out of his nose. Hmmmm...

Logan's not quite sure what the answer on Jeopardy is. I'm sure a good BM will divine the answer.Welp. A nice BM later, and still no answer. Jeopardy is for dorks, anyway.
As I said earlier, Logan needs good role models and influences. So, Logan and I had some good quality time together. We discussed family, things that annoy us, things we like to eat, the 2008 election, rowing, the need to earn money, how to annoy mom, oral hygiene, his potential girl friends, naps, why boxers are better than briefs, pranks to pull on Brett, how many days underwear can actually be worn without washing, the fact that hotdogs should only be eating with mustard and onions, the nuances of diapers and the broncos. I think Logan will be a well-rounded interesting individual. That hotdog thing is very true. Ketchup on a hotdog is wrong. Of course, you shouldn't eat many of them, as they are made of pig sphincters and skin tags.

All this talk made Logan a tired boy. Now, its nice to sleep in a crib with a nice blanky and all, but boy...napping in mom's arms is second to none. I'd tell you to try it out, but that would be weird.
Its hard not to smile after a nice relaxing week in Aspen. As we had to wrap it up, we decided to take one more hike together. Of course, Logan was hauled around in his posh stroller. Well, it was posh until the right, front wheel bent. Logan had to get out and push his own stroller after that.

Well, after Aspen, Logan went down to La Junta for a family reunion. Fortunately, we picked the hottest day of the year to gather. Of course, in La Junta, every day is the hottest day of the year. Oh well. In any case, Uncle Jim took care of Logan for a bit. In fact, he even went so far as to change his diaper! Logan was thrilled, until he found out Uncle Jim didn't keep the diaper as a special memento from Logan. I had to explain to Logan that those types of things aren't necessarily "keepsake-able" and that he needs to think of something better to give to Uncle Jim.

After the reunion, we hung at Grandpa Frank's house. Now, Grandpa Frank knows how to take care of the grandkids. Logan was all thrills and chills until he found out that Grandpa Frank forgot to make his famous green chili! How can this happen???? Grandpa Frank KNOWS that Logan is a huge sucker for green chili. In fact, mixing a little green chili with some formula is dee-vine! In spite of that egregious oversight, things were very swell. Logan definitely looks forward to seeing Grandpa Frank again.

On the way home, we stopped to visit Logan's newest cousin, Mia. Logan has made it a habit of having adorable little girl cousins, and Sarah is no exception. The two hung out and got on splendidly!
So that was a brief synopsis of July! Logan is growing like a weed and smiling everyday. Next time you read about Logan on this blog, mommy will be narrating. Until then, Logan is ready for bed and bids you all good night!



Auntie JoJo said...

Glad to see you haven't given up on the blog. I really missed the updates. Logan sure is CUTE! Wonder who he gets it from. (Ha Ha)

Love, Uncle Fred, Auntie JoJo, Cecilia and Mia (formerly Sarah)

Uncle Frank said...

Logan, Logan, Logan I am so sorry that you had to go sluming in Aspen for a couple of weeks. What about that great week in Guadalajara?

Jeni said...

It's about time you updated this thing!! I was wondering if Logan turned out as rotten as you so you gave up and sold him on ebay. ha ha j/k he's a super cute kid despite being yours. I’m sure Diane had a lot to do with it the cuteness ;o) Anyway, miss you guys. You better be in town next time I’m around.


PS Logan - Daddy likes it when you comment on his little arms. He was also lying about the mustard and onions on hot dogs too. He really likes extra mayo and hard boiled eggs on his pig products ;o)